Wednesday 2 February 2011

Time moves on

Well you might have noticed I have not been blogging for the criminal length of time of 10 days! WOW..

A few things have been going on behind the scenes that have taken my time, both with and

Ok, so firstly to my first love of sorts, Dovcor, Andy our apprentice has officially left the building! Now this leaves me in a dilemma, get out and sell, or let the company drift into chaos. Now even though Andy was a pain, he did actually help out in the office, and it seems with only me to do both our roles I am struggling to cope.

Luckily, we have a new apprentice starting on Monday Mr John "Neil" Diamond, so hopefully I will be released from the prison that is my desk and I can get back to doing my thing.

Secondly, the entrepreneurs group is marching forward at an amazing rate. I am building a brilliant team around me and quite honestly, I now believe more than ever that it will change the face of not only the North East but also the country. It is exactly what the current govnt is looking for and well, just a brilliant piece of private social enterprise.

But this is my problem. It is taking my time away from working in Dovcor, I need to bring in a second in command, I need some help! I think I will have to take on an apprentice to run the group admin wise, another cost!! Why do I do these things?!

On the Dovcor front, Andy leaving is not the only piece of news, if you go to the website and pick a product, you will see the info on the site has been updated. I have lots more plans, but as I am on my own creative wise at the moment its going to take me some time!

Also, I do have sad news for you all, two of the most lovely people I have ever had the pleasure to work along side have just lost their jobs. The office company they work for went down over the weekend, so these past few days I have been helping them empty the office and pack away things. A very sad process I can assure you. I do not think the recession, while it has massively affected our growth has ever hit home so hard.

BUT, we move forward, so we have just taken on a guy to run the South East sales for us, a major move as this is where 40% of our business will be done and it is so hard to find decent sales guys when you are a small company!! I am very excited, lets see how this one plays out.

The brochure is finally ready to print, I spotted a last minute epic spelling mistake, which put us back (Einstein or Einstien) so maybe next week I will be on the road full time pushing the Dovcor brand.. heres hoping to long days and plenty of wows!

Hmmmmmmm some how I think in the present client, even a free Ferrari could not persuade some people to try something different!

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